Thursday, 24 November 2011

Christmas Shopping

Christmas is fast approaching and i feel like I'm slightly behind on the presents. Usually by this time I've pretty much bought everyone i need to and I'm just waiting on little bits arriving in the post but not this year I feel so behind.

Even though I don't have to buy for lots of people in fact i only have to buy for 4 people, my dog and I'll probably get something for my brothers dog too. This is 2 gifts more than usual and I've not pulled my finger out.

In previous years I've given gifts from etsy and this year is no different. I'm intending to buy all my gifts online with the possibility i might pick something up if I'm brave enough to hit the shops.

So far I've bought my boys gifts from etsy all hand made and recycled and i think I'm going to buy my brothers lady something from there and possibly the dogs. The dogs Christmas usually consists of a treat and a toy nothing over the top. As for my brothers lady I'm not sure what to get her yet.

I'm so excited to get all the gifts through, i just love the idea of giving someone something handmade and one of a kind.

How are you getting on with Christmas shopping? Are you all prepared?


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  1. welcome in the world of blogging!
    I follow you, follow me back if you want!

