Saturday, 3 December 2011

All I want for Christmas

I cant believe its December already, the year has flown by. I've only a few things left to buy mainly my Brothers girlfriends gift. I still have no idea what to buy her. I think I may end up buying a gift set from boots or lush.

I've been trying to think of what I'd like this year for Christmas and I've put together a little list.

The Wayward Bus - John Steinbeck - I'm a massive Steinbeck fan and this is a book I've been after for awhile and its rarely to be seen in my local Waterstones or I'd have snapped it up already. 

A watch - I'd love a watch for my Christmas, I had pointed out a lovely rose gold Michael Kors watch to the boy who scoffed and told me I was mental. That would be my dream watch but I'd be equally as happy with this one from Asos.

Dexters Season 5 - I always wait for Dexter to come out on DVD before I watch it. Its probably the only TV series I would do that with. I had read a few of the Jeff Lindsay books before watching it now I'm addicted.

Bubbles - Any kind of bath stuff. I used to hate getting this sort of stuff as gifts when I was younger but now I'm all grown up and realise how amazing a bath really is I love getting it especially if its Christmas themed. 

Extras season 2 - I love Ricky Gevais and I was a bit late getting into Extras. I bought season 1 last year and I've asked my brother for season 2 this year fingers crossed he remembers. 

Have you all finished you Christmas shopping?What have you asked for from Santa?


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