Monday, 12 December 2011

Madam Rage

I was finishing off the last of my Christmas shopping and spotted this dress on the House of Fraser website and i knew it was the perfect dress to see me through the festive season and at £25 its a steal.

I love the belt detail and the shape of the dress, I have a feeling it might be on the short side but that's nothing  pair of thick tights wont sort out.

I’d never heard of Madam Rage before and I’m quite impressed with the selection of party dresses they have all for reasonable prices. Here are a few of my favourites. 

The dresses are quite simple which I love! I'm planning on wearing mine with some chunky heels and gold jewellery.

I'm off to watch Tales from Earthsea and finish off my wrapping, I'm still waiting on one gift for my brother and I'm hoping it appears before we help him move to Peebles on Saturday.

Are you all ready for Christmas? Do you have your party outfit sorted?


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