Thursday, 29 December 2011

Land Girl

With the sales now in full swing I decided to treat myself to a new pair of shoes. After spending a hour scouring the sales on Zalando I settled on these beauties.

I can't wait for them to arrive. I'm not sure what I'll wear them with yet but I'm already in love.

Had you treated yourself to anything from the sales?


Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Five Favourite Christmas Films

With Christmas only days away I like to get in the Christmas mood by watching my favourite Christmas films and i thought I'd share them with you.

Elf - Even though this has already been on TV I'll be watching this again. I love it and don't think it will ever get old.

A Christmas Carol - There has been so many remakes of this movie but I've not seen this version and will be watching it this year. 

The Grinch  who stole Christmas - When this first came out I went numerous times with my friend to see this at the cinema. It's defiantly one of my favourite ever Christmas films. I'll be watching this on Christmas eve.
Holiday Inn - Who doesn't love a bit of Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire at Christmas time?!

Bad Santa - This is definitely my guilty pleasure. I don't know why but I  just love Billy Bob.

What Christmas films do you watch to get into the Christmas mood?


Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Glasgow Bound

So Monday I'm Glasgow bound with my friend to see our boys on the 3rd night of their tour with The View.  Originally I wasn’t planning to go through but now my friend is I decided what the hell.  It works out well because tomorrow night would of been the last night I’d see my boy before he goes on tour and then to Ireland until the 28th.  So now I get an extra evening hooray!

We’ve been too a few gigs in Glasgow but never on a Monday night. What do you wear on a Monday to a gig then an after party?! I really hate going casual to a gig now especially if I know we’re going out afterwards.

The last trip to Glasgow we had to book another night in the hotel due to being far too hung over to travel.  Hopefully I’ve learnt my lesson and won’t be repeating this time.

So this evening while I try and sort out what I need for the weekend, I need to find something decent to wear on Monday.


Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Prancing Shoes

Today I spent most of the day cleaning the flat, finishing the last of the wrapping and generally prancing about in my new shoes!

These babies arrived today and they are AMAZING! I bought these on Sundays from ASOS. They are on sale just now for £22.00 a complete bargain if you ask me. I’m planning on wearing these for New Year with my Dress. 

Another little surprise arrived today which I had completely forgotten about this little fellow here. 

I'm away to brave the wild winds with the pooch then settle down for the night. 


Monday, 12 December 2011

Madam Rage

I was finishing off the last of my Christmas shopping and spotted this dress on the House of Fraser website and i knew it was the perfect dress to see me through the festive season and at £25 its a steal.

I love the belt detail and the shape of the dress, I have a feeling it might be on the short side but that's nothing  pair of thick tights wont sort out.

I’d never heard of Madam Rage before and I’m quite impressed with the selection of party dresses they have all for reasonable prices. Here are a few of my favourites. 

The dresses are quite simple which I love! I'm planning on wearing mine with some chunky heels and gold jewellery.

I'm off to watch Tales from Earthsea and finish off my wrapping, I'm still waiting on one gift for my brother and I'm hoping it appears before we help him move to Peebles on Saturday.

Are you all ready for Christmas? Do you have your party outfit sorted?


Saturday, 3 December 2011

All I want for Christmas

I cant believe its December already, the year has flown by. I've only a few things left to buy mainly my Brothers girlfriends gift. I still have no idea what to buy her. I think I may end up buying a gift set from boots or lush.

I've been trying to think of what I'd like this year for Christmas and I've put together a little list.

The Wayward Bus - John Steinbeck - I'm a massive Steinbeck fan and this is a book I've been after for awhile and its rarely to be seen in my local Waterstones or I'd have snapped it up already. 

A watch - I'd love a watch for my Christmas, I had pointed out a lovely rose gold Michael Kors watch to the boy who scoffed and told me I was mental. That would be my dream watch but I'd be equally as happy with this one from Asos.

Dexters Season 5 - I always wait for Dexter to come out on DVD before I watch it. Its probably the only TV series I would do that with. I had read a few of the Jeff Lindsay books before watching it now I'm addicted.

Bubbles - Any kind of bath stuff. I used to hate getting this sort of stuff as gifts when I was younger but now I'm all grown up and realise how amazing a bath really is I love getting it especially if its Christmas themed. 

Extras season 2 - I love Ricky Gevais and I was a bit late getting into Extras. I bought season 1 last year and I've asked my brother for season 2 this year fingers crossed he remembers. 

Have you all finished you Christmas shopping?What have you asked for from Santa?


Thursday, 24 November 2011

Christmas Shopping

Christmas is fast approaching and i feel like I'm slightly behind on the presents. Usually by this time I've pretty much bought everyone i need to and I'm just waiting on little bits arriving in the post but not this year I feel so behind.

Even though I don't have to buy for lots of people in fact i only have to buy for 4 people, my dog and I'll probably get something for my brothers dog too. This is 2 gifts more than usual and I've not pulled my finger out.

In previous years I've given gifts from etsy and this year is no different. I'm intending to buy all my gifts online with the possibility i might pick something up if I'm brave enough to hit the shops.

So far I've bought my boys gifts from etsy all hand made and recycled and i think I'm going to buy my brothers lady something from there and possibly the dogs. The dogs Christmas usually consists of a treat and a toy nothing over the top. As for my brothers lady I'm not sure what to get her yet.

I'm so excited to get all the gifts through, i just love the idea of giving someone something handmade and one of a kind.

How are you getting on with Christmas shopping? Are you all prepared?


Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Lusts: Party Dresses

I've been having a look on river island for a dress for the festive season.There's always a few parties and since my birthday is in January I'm on the look out for a outfit that i can wear then too.

I know i would wear each of these dresses to death. I'll definetly be heading to river island next time i'm in town.


Saturday, 19 November 2011

Sleepy Saturday

I've snuck back into bed after walking the dog for 2hours and plan on spending the afternoon watching TV before i need to get ready for a birthday party later tonight. Thankfully its a house party or I'd be running about all day trying to find something to wear.

Lately I've been lusting after this faux fur collar. I recently bought a pea coat from Topshop and think this would look lovely over the top of it. I've had my eye on it for awhile but i think I'd better get my Christmas shopping out the way before i make my mind up.

Also I tried out the leopard print nails the other night, safe to say i think it will take me a few times before they look half decent, although the it wasn't to bad.

Off to watch Poirot one of my many guilty pleasures.


Wednesday, 16 November 2011

My first...

Today i received my very first Models Own nail polish and WAH nail art pen. I was having a little browse on ASOS the other night with M and after having a little tipple or two i added this to my basket.

I've seen so many amazing designs i wasn't sure where to start but after a quick search on YouTube i found this video.

So tomorrow I'm going to attempt my own leopard print nail.
